Monday, October 6, 2008

I'm Not Pregnant . . .Yet

Matt says I've become obsessed with pregnancy. After reading through my journal and some of my posts, I'm beginning to think he's correct. But I'm still okay with that. I've been in such a funny mood these last couple of days. Saturday I couldn't control my emotions (see post below that was actually deleted and then reposted when my parents told me I should) and now I'm on such a high.

This funny girl I met about a year ago told me she had a friend who told her (kind of round about I know, but you know how I'm a stickler for the absolute truth, I guess unless I exaggerate) that she should tell people she was already pregnant. Because if she did the stars would align and the universe would give her what she wanted. So this girl did, much to her husband's chagrin. She would tell the checkout ladies that she was expecting. This made her husband crazy because if she went in the same store months later and still wasn't pregnant, people would start to wonder about this girl who goes around telling everyone she's pregnant when she obviously isn't. Still with me? But for this girl this eventually worked.

I wasn't sure if I really wanted to believe in this oh so bizarre theory but I've started thinking about it today. So here it is. I've decided that my iron deficiency my doctor's keep harassing me about is the cause for my one and a half year infertility streak. As such I have begun taking my iron pills with the complete faith that I am going to get pregnant in the next few months. Preferably in November so I can tell everyone that I got a baby for my birthday. Really, wouldn't that be so sweet?!?

So there it is. I'm not to the point that I can start telling people I'm pregnant when I'm really not, but I'm putting it out there nonetheless (I can't believe that's one word). People who've known me for at least a couple years (especially in college) know I am a woman of plans. Crazy, hair-brained plans that almost never seem to actually happen. So I know that this could very well be one of them. It could very well not be true and that would be okay too. Because right now I have so much faith that I know that if I don't get pregnant in November (like I really, really want) than the Lord has an even better plan in store for me!!

I tell you, my life is one crazy emotional rollercoaster.


Elizabeth said...

Sara, it's Liz Hasler! How are you? I love this post, it made me laugh out loud and also made my heart ache for your 1 1/2 years of wanting. Mike and I did almost five years of it and I know it's tough. Hang in there and be sure to catch every check out lady and let her know you're expecting!

*julie* said...

I'm confused. Why didn't you inform your admirers back in JUNE when you STARTED your blog?! I've been missing out on all that is Sariasis! Not that it would have really changed the course of anything for you, but I'm still good for sympathy! So dear Sara, I do hope your stars align by November! Thanks for sharing your blog ;)

Anonymous said...

I love you Sara - you're a woman after my own heart. Trials give us new eyes to see ourselves with, and you never fail to use them to your benefit. And remember, the more practise you get, the cuter the baby ... so dim the lights and practise, practise, practise.

NW Harbert's said...

Sara, another thing to think about is a tilted uterus. I had that and it took 2 years to get pregnant. It has not been a problem since. You can have a OB check it for you. It just means it might take a while to get pregnant.