Sunday, July 5, 2009

Reader Roll-Call

I realize three posts in one day is a little overwhelming but even so I figured it was time again to find out who is stopping by to check out the blog. I have this neat thing that let's me know where my visitors hail from. So I know where but I don't know who. So even if you've never commented, even if you don't know me, or even if you don't want others to know you read my mind's refuse; leave me a note. If I don't know you, leave a comment introducing yourself and how you found me, especially if you found my site thinking it was going to be something informational about psoriasis. I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of my visitors come in for that. You don't have to say this is your favorite blog you've ever read, or how often you check, just let me know you've at least read it once. Also, if you leave me you're blog address I promise to check in on yours and comment on yours as well.


Lizzie said...

Hey Sara. Still reading in Boston. Lizzie Y. C.

Deanna said...

LOL - Really Sara - how many people do you know in Little Elm Texas!! :)

Lisa said...

Well Hi, I'm Lisa used-to-be-Guptill, Julies little sister. I found your blog through Julies, and while I totally enjoy it, I've been hesitant to comment because it somehow makes me feel like the little sister tagging along and sticking her nose in where she's not wanted. I'm 27 now and it's possible I should try to grow up and mature a little bit... though I haven't had much luck so far. Hi anyway:)

Franklin's said...

I'm checking in now and then! I love blogs!! Keeps me up to date! If you don't have my blog, let me know and I'll email you!

Sara said...

Thanks guys! Lisa, I am more than happy to have you "tagging" along. Thanks for getting up the courage to comment and welcome!

Brian and Melissa Finley said...

My dear Sara! Oh how I love to read your blog and hear your personality come shining through :) It's entertaining even without pictures!

p.s. I'm in Colorado Springs now, but in a few months I'll be in Gunnison, just so you don't get confused :)

Christy said...

Hey Sara. I am still reading away! Did you know we live in the same state now?

Claudia said...

Do you really need me to leave my mark? If so, here I know I'm still reading!

Lance and Kristi said...

Hey Sara,
I check in at least once a month, always looking for a good laugh. You should write a book. Truly, you should.

Keep the posts coming!

Ariana said...

Hey Sara- I check in every couple of to read about your adventures. You crack me up! We were in the same ward in Beaverton a couple years ago. :)

Kevin said...

Sara! Your town is famous... one of your town folk threw a bike in front of actor Jim Caviezel's Harley. Do you know this man?!

Hope you're well. ;)

Hilary Butler said...

Hi cutie. I'm pretty awful at actually checking in with blogs, but I try :)

Mandy said...

Sara, I'm still reading along! Love your thoughts. xoxo Mandy

Mandy said...

Hey, I just got your message - so good to hear your voice. I'll call you tomorrow so we can chat!

H C M said...

I just found your blog. Enjoying every word.

Nichole said...

You just know how to put it in funny little sis!