Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Litter Bugs Me

Tonight as I was driving home from the store, I saw a guy casually drop his cigarette out of his truck window - his hand hanging there looking very innocent. It made me think of this guy I worked with when I lived in Boston - a guy who called himself the Bronze Adonis. We were out to dinner while travelling for work. The restaurant was a very nice steak house as only a town teeming with old East Coast men can produce. While eating, a woman sitting at the nearby bar unwrapped a piece of candy and, like the man in the car, innocently and casually threw the wrapper on the floor.
Unfortunately for her, everyone at our table saw her do it. And even more unfortunately for our little litterer, the Bronze Adonis said aloud and in a very irritated voice what the rest of us at the table were already thinking, "Who does that? That is so bush league!" The now embarrassed girl, heard the remark, and while trying to appear just as casual, bent down and picked up the discarded wrapper. I remember at the time feeling sorry for this poor girl, but also feeling some small victory for litter haters everywhere. So when I saw the man in the truck, I had the strongest desire to yell out my own window, "Who does that? Litter haters unite!!"


ME said...

What is "bush league"?

I hate litter and try to teach my kids to help out by picking up pieces of litter that aren't too repulsive and taking it to the nearest trash can. Although one time I had picked up an empty mini bottle of liqueur and an empty pack of cigarettes and put it in the back of the stroller and than forgot about it. Later Michael was full of questions!

Michael Asay said...

Bush league originated as a baseball reference to the minor league system and its inferiority to MLB. So it means anything that is inferior or sub-par.

One time Ian picked up some litter across the street. But it was a plastic bag full of some kind of feces.

Natalie said...

I would have jumped on the hood of his car, yanked off the hood ornament, casually tossed it on the ground, and politely said, "I'm with you. Littering is the best!" Then I would have shoved his new cigarette up his nose. Let's just conclude that I don't have as much class as you, shall we?

Unknown said...

you should check out StopLittering.com
...yes, my site.