Friday, July 22, 2011

I've Been Hacked

If you have ever received an email from me, or if we have ever been good acquaintances, chances are you have received a spurious email from me this morning. If you haven't and you feel a little jipped, I supremely apologize. If you did receive a spurious email from me and you didn't receive an apology email from me, I also supremely apologize. I did my best. I spent about two hours this morning trying to make amends for my rogue email account. I tried to get everyone, but you never know.
And now, I'm left feeling kind of violated. Who hacked me and how did they find out my super secret password? Do they feel good about what they've done? How do they sleep at night?
I've had this email account since 1997 and I've grown very fond of it. People who have known me for years but haven't talked to me for a while always know if they want to they can find me there. I've had well over 10 home addresses over that time period, a couple of names, multiple phone numbers, and a few jobs, but my email account is one of the only constants in my life. I realize that sounds utterly ridiculous, but it's true. Change everything else about me, but don't change my email address. That could cause some serious issues in my life. So I really hope this is a one time occurrence. If it isn't, please let me know and I will find alternative means of electronically communicating with the world.

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