Sunday, October 30, 2011

Mom and Pops Stockings

I recently made these absolutely adorable stockings (though I may be partial).  Matthew likes them but wanted ownership of one.  I'm not sure I had ownership of a stocking growing up, but apparently he did and still wants to be able to do.  It was kind of weird adding these new titles to ourselves/stockings but I think they still look pretty dang cute.

And yes, Matthew chose his new title.


Anonymous said...

How Jovial! ;) Looks great.

ME said...

I love that it says Pops. I think they are adorable. I once had ambitions of making us all stockings. I think I only ended up making two. Maybe I'll finish the other three one of these days.

Jen Hicks said...

So fun. So Matt chose Pops?;)

Deanna said...

They are adorable! Heehee - we always had ownership of our stockings growing up - lol can't wait to see the names that go on the others :)