Monday, October 24, 2011

My awkward moment with Hilary Weeks

I recently took a trip with 5 other women, some I knew well, others I didn't, to a weekend event in Rochester, NY called Time Out for Women.  It's a predominantly (as in 99%) LDS event, though definitely not exclusively so.  It was a lovely weekend, far better and more meaningful than I remotely anticipated, but that is not what I am writing about.  I am writing about my awkward moment with Hilary Weeks.

Hilary Weeks is a singer, songwriter who writes about her faith and the ups and downs of motherhood.  She's actually a very witty woman, and though I had never met her I felt an odd kinship with her.  I'm guessing many people do.  I bought a couple of her CD's and though I'm not of the star-struck variety, she was signing them so I thought I might as well stand in line and get mine signed too. 

While standing there, this odd thought came to mind that I should have her sign it to my nickname Sariasis. I have no idea why Sara wouldn't have worked just as well, but at that moment in that location, Sariasis sounded infinitely more fun.  My friend, supporting me in my line-waiting endeavor, thought I was strange but encouraged me nonetheless.  My thought was that she would either find it entertaining and we would be new BFF's or she would find me very weird. 

We are not BFF's.  She asked me if I was serious, and when my friend confirmed that I was, she very politely and confusedly signed my nickname, asking me time and again just how she was supposed to spell it.  She got it down, I expressed my enjoyment of her music, and just when I thought the awkward moment had ended, my friend asked to take a picture with her.  Ever the pro, though I'm sure she was still a little worried about this seemingly off-kilter woman, she dutifully smiled in our little picture before moving on to a hopefully more sane admirer.


Jen Hicks said...

You are so hilarious!!! I was surprised at how good the a Time Out I went to was as well. I laughed when I first heard the name. Are you feeling preggo?

Natalie said...

To Sariasis, the fan with the crazy name that I can't spell. May you go to all the time outs you need... Love, Hilary

I wish I had been there...

Camden and Amber said...

Didn't the syphilis part of your nickname manage to make its way from your mouth, too?