Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sara at 28 weeks

This is me at 28 weeks. I was looking back at my pictures from 20 to 24 to 28 weeks and its hard to believe that I was ever so cute and small at 20 weeks. Not that I'm feeling gigantic, at least not yet, but it's definitely a change.
So how am I doing? I've heard it said that the first trimester is hard because you're sick all the time, the second trimester is great, because you finally have energy again and you're not huge, and the third trimester sees you increasingly more uncomfortable. The first trimester, I was definitely tired a lot but other than that it was a cake walk. Second trimester, more energy and more cake. But I think the day I hit my third trimester, I became uncomfortable. It was as if a switch was turned on. Wee Babe knew he hit 6 months and decided to make his presence known by pushing his wee little head into my ribs. It hurts. Thankfully, for both of us, he doesn't do it all the time. I think we can be best friends as long as his head stays out of that general area.
Matthew continues to stick up for him and gets mad at me every time I poke, jiggle, or in any other way mess with my tummy. "Leave the poor kid alone, would you like it if someone were constantly shaking your house?" I try to tell him that it was my house first and he is merely a guest with an expiring welcome, but he stands firm, this was my choice, and I gave up the right to my house when I decided I wanted to be pregnant.
Thankfully, he is at school most of the day, so I have all sorts of time to both coo over and harass my unborn child as much as I like.

1 comment:

Jen Hicks said...

You are adorable and have that happy glow about you. Can't wait to meet Zachery. I agree with Matthew, leave him alone unless he kicks you middle of the night then need to give him a good talking to. BTW. Where are you registered?