Friday, July 13, 2012

Virginia Visit (Week 6)

After only 6 weeks of life, I decided to brave a trip down to Virginia to visit my parents, sister Nichole, brother Paul, and brother Phillip. The trip was about two hours too long for this little guy. It didn't help that we hit solid traffic just fifteen miles before seeing my brother Paul and his little family (complete with one week old Ellie) and my sister Nichole. He did not take the setback well.

Z with his Aunt Nickey. The poor child does not look too happy, but that's more to do with the fact that he had just spent too many hours in a car and not enough of them sleeping than with his attitude towards his sweet Auntie.

Paul, a very new dad himself, had delusions of baby whisperer. But even if meant Z was calm for a few minutes I was going to take it.

My mother loved cuddling with her sweet grandson, despite my concern that he needed to be sleeping in a bed not in her arms. Silly new mother.

Z had his first pool experience at my brother Phillip's house.

At first he wasn't sure what he thought.

But he quickly made up his mind. No dice. What a sad face. Poor child.

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