Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wee Boy is Almost One

Holy Smokes my Wee Baby is now a Wee Boy. I can't say this past year has flown past but it is a little crazy to see just how far we've both come. This child is smiley, always moving, is extremely curious and determined, is developing a mind of his own (he protests loudly when you've taken something away and forcibly pushes food out of the way when he doesn't want it), is a mighty squawker, and is on the cusp on walking though, as is evident by the above pictures, crawling is still definitely the preferred mode of transportation. He still adores his mama, but thank heavens he has learned that pops has his benefits too.

As for me, I am have learned that I have more maternal instincts than I thought and I enjoy being mama and hanging out on the floor with the boy baby. We have fairly low expectations for what needs to get done around the house in a given week, so for now I have lots of time to spend sitting playing and watching him learn and grow. Here's to another year filled with lots more accomplishments and figuring out a new foursome dynamic. Somehow I get the feeling that Wee Boy and Bitty Girl will be fast friends.

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