Sunday, May 12, 2013

Zachary's Friends

While Zachary is wary adults - I think he worries they are going to take him away from me - he seems fascinated by other children. Further trips to the park, has shown that he prefers watching the other kids play than to play himself. And while I can't get him to sit still on his own, when he is with other children, especially his friend his Asa who is not yet mobile, he will sit calmly. I love it. Hopefully he will be more social than either Matthew or I were. And hopefully he will be good with his little sister. Fingers crossed.

These pictures were taken today at church in the hallway with some other moms of like-aged children who find attending Sunday School as tricksters as I do.
I love this picture. Somehow it makes Wee Boy look like a "wild and crazy guy."

These babies were so entertaining to watch steal each other's pacies, grab at each other's little bodies and just hang out together. It's just too bad that two of them will be gone within the next couple of months. Poor dudikas will have to make all new friends. Sad.

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