Monday, August 5, 2013

The Many Faces of Cheese


Oh my child. What can I say other than this boy definitely knows what a camera is, what it does, and that smiling for it is the thing to do. It's been housed on the sofa of late and so every time he sees it he wants me to turn it on and take a picture of him so he can, in turn, see himself. Have I mentioned he harbors his mother's narcissistic tendencies? It's just such a cheesy smile. These are all pictures taken over the last week or so. Notice the clothes change the smile does not. But despite it all, I can't help but want to eat him up all the same. Heaven help us.


ME said...

Please don't turn to cannibalism. I want to see little Zach again some day..

Michael Asay said...

Sara, I see Meg was reading and commenting on your blog while Robert Duvall was our guest speaker at church. That's pretty amazing influence you wield.