Monday, October 14, 2013

We Blessed an Adelae

Our darling daughter turned 7 weeks old on Sunday, high time she be given a name and a blessing by her father. Both sets of parents, Matthew's sister Megan and fiancé Collin and some friends of ours (the Scattergoods) from State College descended on Macungie for the event.
My parents
Matthew's family
 The blessing entourage: Stephen Scattergood, my father, Matthew & Cheeks, Matt's father and fiancé Collin.
It was a perfectly lovely weekend with everyone getting along well, great food, and wonderful family loving on my babies. Matthew pronounced a beautiful blessing on Cheeks and absolutely melted my heart with his obvious love for her.
We got a ton of photos of baby girl with every conceivable combination of adoring fans, but none of her in her blessing gown (first worn by her mother multiple decades ago). So on Monday, I redressed her and we took some more photos.

I know I should feel bad that I subjected Cheeks to tummy time for the sake of pictures when she so obviously didn't like it, but I can't help but smile at her unraveling caught on camera. I promise I really do love my daughter.

And finally a picture of Wee Boy coming to his sister's aid with some love. She gets a lot of the kisses he is doling out these days. Color me a bit jealous yet touched for her sake if not for mine.

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