Saturday, July 19, 2014

At Least They are Playing Together

This happened last week along with a few other choice moments. Yeah, it wasn't a banner week for the children and me. Monday they found my face powder and decided to make it snow all over themselves in the shower. Wednesday they somehow found a stray Sharpie and wrote all over their legs. Friday they found the apple juice mix and decided to play in it. And when I say "they" I mean Wee Boy, but Bitty Girl always seemed to be present. Somehow when Wee Boy is by himself, he finds his cars to play with or a window to stare out of. When she is with him, however, the destructive flood gates open and my house and sanity suffer. Oh how they suffer.

This week, two things happened. I cut doors and windows in some over-sized boxes we had stashed in the loft and we made a sandbox on our deck. So far life has definitely changed for the less messy but they are still playing together. Hey!

I'm starting to think that maybe my sanity and house aren't doomed for the next few years after all. Oh how I can hope.

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