Sunday, July 6, 2014

I Belong to Jesus Christ

Today at Church we talked about taking upon ourselves the name of Christ and what that entails. For me, it means claiming Christ as my Savior just as readily as I claim Booren as my family of origin. I am a Booren - that means I come from loud, opinionated, on-time and very direct stock. If you know me, you will know I live up to my family name. I am also a Christian which, to me, means that I cling to Christ's teachings no matter what popular opinion may say. It means that I look for ways to love and serve my fellow man no matter my circumstance or comfort level. It means that I know with everything I am that my Heavenly Father loves me and is intimately eager to see me be the best version of myself possible and is actively giving me challenges and tender mercies to make that happen. It means that going to Church on Sunday, reading my scriptures, praying, and actively seeking out ways to live the way Christ would live are not tasks to check off, though sometimes they might feel that way, but rather the Lord's way to make my life better, more fulfilling and easier. I am grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am eternally grateful to call my God Father, and to have Him call me daughter. So, if you know nothing else about me, know that I KNOW my Savior and Redeemer lives and that His Gospel, the Gospel He taught during his mortal ministry, is on the earth again in its fullness in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am a Booren, I am a Marler, I am a Christian, and I am a Mormon.

Thanks for your time.

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