Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cabin Fever Has Set in

Cabin fever has definitely set in around here. January was a miserable, sickie month for us and February has been cold and snowy. Not snowy fun. Just snowy, barely enough to cover the ice that once was snow but is now ice and is NEVER melting. Play group has been cancelled for weeks in a row, play dates have been cancelled due to other families being sick and my children are finally starting to tire of watching tv. So when the weather popped above 25 degree and the sun came out, Wee Boy put on his boots and his gloves (all by himself) and went outside. Not to be ditched, Cheeks, who just a few months ago barely tolerated being outside in full snow gear, went outside too. I didn't bother putting shoes on her because I thought it would be too cold for her, but she went right out and it wasn't until I enticed her inside with the promise of helping me with laundry (ooh) that she came in. Not once did she complain that her feet, face, hands were most likely numb. She was playing outside with brother and loving it. I kind of felt like a bad mom for not insisting she, or Wee Boy for that matter, were better equipped but I just kept thinking they would get cold and come in on their own.

Proof that he put his boots on all by himself. I'm pretty sure the gloves weren't put on properly either but he was SOOO proud of himself that he could go out "properly clothed" all by himself. Got to love independent little 2 almost 3 year olds.

The next day I felt a little better when she went back out to play having donned shoes (though still sockless) and a puffy vest.

Wee Boy soon tired of the ice on the deck and wanted to explore the backyard. I finally relented after I saw he had pitched his trucks over the railing. Unfortunately for his mittens and boots and shirt and pants, he discovered mud. Blegh. That turkey of mine.

But what a funny little duck he can be too. Here's hoping that January was our sickie month, February was our brrr month and March is our starting to thaw out and go back to the park (still with coats on but outside nonetheless) month. Matthew says not to hold my breath.

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