Wednesday, April 15, 2015

New Job for Matthew

In the past year, Matthew's Company has gone through some major upheaval. Before it happened Matthew started to feel like he needed a change to his job and started looking for new positions in new departments but once the restructurings began, any movement became almost impossible. As such he applied to anything he could, either within the company or outside, should the Company decide his job should be eliminated. He applied to a job in Oregon with a new Company several months ago and all but forgot he had applied to it since he didn't hear anything back. Then about six weeks ago this new Company came back and started interviewing him. From the beginning I felt like this was the job for him and my heart started getting set on moving so close to so many of either of our families. Today I can officially announce that Matthew has accepted the position and will start sometime in May. Matthew is surprised at his reluctance to leave and I am just as surprised at my excitement to leave. A few months ago I really wanted to stay but now I would be completely heartbroken if something fell through and we remained. We will put our house on the market this weekend and hopefully our house will sell quickly since we have so short a time before we leave. Heaven help us.

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