Monday, August 31, 2015

Bedtime Smartie

Cheeks is a funny duck. I couldn't be more proud of my daughter tonight. The last part of our bedtime routine is singing three songs. The kids WANT to hear the songs but they would rather play with the toys in their closet than cuddle these days so I feel like I'm singing to the room, which doesn't go over so super well. If I'm going to sing, dang it, I want to feel like my audience is listening. So I made a new rule that if they want their songs, at least one of them HAS to be sitting on my lap. Boy Howdy used to be the resident lap sitter, but he has since passed the torch to Cheeks who, reluctantly, took up the post on my lap; but not without relinquishing her desire for the toys. Once she found out that getting up stops the songs, she quickly learned to keep at least one part of her body touching me while fishing for objects. I honestly couldn't be more proud of my daughter. It was totally entertaining, completely endearing and so very fun watching her figure it all out. How I love watching my babies grow.

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