Monday, October 5, 2015

Hawaii Grandma Visit - Monday

My darling Mother-in-law came for a visit for a week. My children were IN HEAVEN to have a constant playmate for the entire week. They have spent a lot of Sunday afternoons talking to her on Skype, so to have her in real life was wonderful for them and for me. We had a completely lovely week doing everything imaginable. Monday we planned on doing the Gilbert House after Boy Howdy got out of preschool. Unfortunately, the Gilbert House is closed on Mondays for the school year so we got a picture in the really big rocking chair and then walked across the bridge that connects downtown Salem from West Salem. The kids had so much fun walking and running across the bridge, stopping every now again to look at the spiderwebs in the railings or ducks on the water.

At some point, I realized that trying to get the kids back across the bridge was going to be a very unpleasant task, so wonderful Mother Marler agreed to let me leave them with her to whack trees with small sticks and push rocks off parking railings with those same sticks (so handy). A completely lovely afternoon.


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