Friday, November 13, 2015

Family Date

Once a month, for a few days, Matthew goes out of town. The kids have really fallen in love with their dad and so every day while he was gone they asked if he was coming home today. Boy Howdy fell IN LOVE with talking on the phone with his dad. Not that he had anything to say to him, he just wanted to hold the phone next to his ear and revel in the time with his dad, albeit from far away. So when he came home on Friday, I thought it would be fun to go out together as a family instead of hoarding Matthew all to myself with a babysitter for the children. We opted for bowling.

Boy Howdy has bowled, but this was Cheeks' first time. Thankfully, at 3:00 on a Friday afternoon, we had the bowling alley to ourselves, so the children were free to show their passion and enthusiasm without us reigning them in fearing we were bothering those around us. And oh how they showed their enthusiasm.

This picture of them sitting was a rare thing as both of them bounced around for much of the hour always eager for it to be their turn, so excited to see their ball come back in the ball return, and just happy to have their dad back. It may be one of the cutest and fun things I have done with my children. It may be our new Matthew comes home, let's celebrate, traditions. I love my babies.

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