Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Bye-Bye to Diaper Day

After coming home from our East Coast vacation, we had a month until preschool started so I was bound and determined to get Cheeks potty trained so she could start. It seemed to work for Boy Howdy, yeah, it didn't work for Cheeks. After two and a half days I was a broken woman and little girl and her passive-agressive bladder won. I tried random attempts over the next few weeks but to no avail. My mother insisted I keep at it but I was done cleaning urine out of my carpet so I halted all efforts except gentle and not so gentle coaxing.

A month or so after, I got the inspiration to just pick a day and make it a super big party day. So with a week in advance I marked a day on the calendar, made sure Cheeks knew what was going to happen and started planning. We made a banner, we made special BBTD Day cupcakes, bought balloons and juice and treats and snacks and party hats. We counted down the days and made it as exciting as possible.

The big day she was honestly and truly ready to go. She willingly said Bye Bye to her diapers and put on panties and gave potty training her honest effort. She did have two accidents that day but considering she went to the bathroom about a thousand times and she went of her need and desire I called it a rousing success.

Since then she's had a handful of accidents, thankfully all on the small portions of hard (read easy to clean) surfaces we have in the house. For a few days she was anti pooping in the toilet, but a week and half later has even seen the end to that! Hallelujah!! I know you aren't supposed to wait until a future event to be happy, but my stress levels have plummeted and my joy has skyrocketed since she decided that she was ready to be a big girl.

 Cheeks' self portrait

We totally wore party hats for a good chunk of the day

 We bought assorted-sized balloons that the kids wanted to draw faces on. Sure thing babies. I actually got a kick at their illustrations. And then they wanted me to join in the fun. I kind of like theirs way better.

Side note. A few days after Bye-Bye to Diaper Day, Cheeks had an accident. There was a big puddle of urine on the floor, and 3-year old that she is she couldn't resist jumping in it. Gross and funny and typical all at the same time. Sadly for her the floor was slippery when wet and she totally fell jumping in a puddle of her own urine.

Hooray for a diaper-free house! Hallelujah and thanks be to 3 months of fasting and praying for our daughter finally paying off!! Yay!!!!!!!

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