Sunday, March 12, 2017

Wonderful Stage

I know that I am blessed. Right now, at this stage in my motherhood, I am very blessed.
The babes are both in preschool two mornings a week and doesn't start until 9:30 which gives me a perfect amount of alone time without having to wake them up to get it.
They aren't yet at the extracurricular age so we don't spend time running from one activity to another.
They wake up sometime between 7 and 8 and then proceed to spend thirty minutes to an hour cuddling with me in bed while they drink their milk which Matthew has lovingly prepared for them and put on my bedside table. We often don't get out of bed until at least 8 or sometimes 9 in the morning.
They are playing more independently lately, leaving me time to tidy up and/or get other things accomplished.
We have passes to fun places around town and in Portland and the kids are good about not running off making outings much more enjoyable.
I can lie down or take a shower during the middle of the day without worrying that the children are going to run out in the street or tear apart my house.
We have no real schedule yet. We are active, but not busy and I am in love with that. I realize that in a few months when Boy Howdy starts kindergarten in the fall and the bus comes for him at 8:15 this list will basically disintegrate. So I have been relishing this very special time in my children's life for the last 6 months and will continue to do so until September when our lives change forever.

1 comment:

Claudia said...

It really is the best. Though Claire is in school, I still get that morning snuggle time in bed (because, let's face it, I drive Claire to school in my pjs, and get right back into bed with the kiddos when we get home). My kids are the non-destructive type too, which makes life manageable. They play while I do homework, and I take breaks to do a puzzle or play a board game. Though that change in life has come with Claire being gone and when Henry is in preschool, I relish having alone-time with Harper. Change can be good. ;)