Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Garden Experiment - Results

I feel as though this ear of corn is representative of how our garden fared this summer. So sad. It had so much promise, but out of our 6 sugar snap pea plants, only one survived and yielded a very small handful of peas. Our cucumber plant had one hopeful that shriveled along with the rest of the plant. Our cantelope, watermelon and red bell pepper plants yielded not a thing, our other pepper plant yielded two peppers of decent size and edibility. Our pumpkin plant wended its way through our yard and into our neighbors, but with all it's greenery we have only one pumpkin that I'm pretty sure is slowly getting eaten by the mice burrowing holes in our garden. And finally we have tomatoes. Last year, these plants were by far our most productive. This year, even they are struggling. We have a few, but we are still waiting to see if they will make it to ripeness.

Sigh. We've had  plenty of sun, vegetable food, compost, raised bed soil, water. I really thought we'd see more success. I don't know where we went wrong. Thankfully we are not subsisting on our harvest. We'll try again next year.

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