Sunday, October 15, 2017

Boy Howdy Loves School

It's been a month since Boy Howdy started Kindergarten. Oh happy day, he LOVES it. For the better part of the last two years I have fought him with getting out of his PJs or having him cling to me as I dropped him off telling me he didn't want to stay. It was a bad place, he told me. He didn't want to miss me. They weren't nice. They were weird. It was boring. These are the excuses I heard more often than not. I was so worried that after the initial excitement wore off from Kindergarten and riding the bus we would be back to the fighting that plagued us before.

Yet a month into it, knock on wood, he still gets excited to go every day. He's nicer to his sister when he gets off the bus in the afternoon, he isn't cranky, he doesn't even seem to mind me waking him up in the morning. I am supremely happily surprised. I feel so crazy lucky that so far so good. I am almost worried I am living in a dream that will come crashing down very soon. But right now the biggest drama is not passing some level at school. I'm not even sure what it means or how to fix it, but it hasn't killed his spirit yet so we are still good.

Cheeks is also thriving in her second year of preschool. Last year she struggled with wanting to listen to her teachers. I have every indication that she acted at school much the way she acts at home. Very pleasant and happy until asked to stop playing or clean up. Then she can get feisty and blatantly disobedient. I'm not sure she had more than a small handful of great days last year. But this year, apart from one pretty bad day, she has been really good. It may have something to do with my incentive of earning a show if she can be a super duper good listener. Even still I am happy to see progress.

What's also amazing is her sudden interest in learning her letters and numbers. I thought for sure this girl was going to make it to Kindergarten only knowing A. But she knows more than she lets on and actually initiates pulling out our fabric letters and numbers to work on them. I am again, shocked and delighted.

Hallelujah!!! Here's hoping it lasts!

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