Friday, April 27, 2018

Moving Day

Reading in my scriptures this morning and I came across this passage with a note I wrote almost a year and a half ago.
1 Nephi 17:3 And thus we see that the commandments of God must be fulfilled. And if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nourish them, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them; wherefore, he did provide means for us while we did sojourn in the wilderness.
11/19/2016 - in the last few days I have felt renewed determination that we need to get out from under our debt, specifically our student loan debt. My goal is to be done with my car and student loans by the end of 2017. I'm writing this for next year to see if the Lord will provide means for us to do just that.
Pretty amazing how the Lord provided the means for us to do just that. I also don't think it's a coincidence that I read that scripture and note today.  What a lovely and pointed reminder that Heavenly Father is intimately aware of us and is actively working for our good.  We have been richly blessed. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Find Lovely Project

It's Up!! My latest venture is on Etsy as The Find Lovely Project. My friend and Etsy partner Jeska worked like a maniac and designed all of these beautifully lettered quotes and thoughts on love. I am so amazed with her. We are both committed to donating all net profits to charity. We picked four we really liked and we are letting our customers choose where they want their money to go. I am so thankful for this opportunity to do my small part to help further goodness in the world through love. Look us up!!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet

I remember when the Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Gordon B. Hinckley died. I LOVED this man. He was the prophet since I was in high school; he was my college roommate's grandfather; and he was an incredible and inspiring man of God. President Thomas S. Monson was his successor and I'll be honest, he was never my favorite. But at his first General Conference as prophet, I had a beautiful manifestation of the mantle Heavenly Father had passed to His new prophet on earth. I fell in love with President Monson as I had President Hinckley.

So in January, when President Monson passed, I was eager to have that same experience with President Nelson. Years ago, when I actually started paying attention to General Conference, President Nelson gave a talk wherein he blew through a spool of thread in order to keep a playing card attached. It was an image I never forgot. For me, President Nelson was the slightly quirky heart surgeon unafraid to do something odd. I already loved him, but he had never served in the First Presidency the way Presidents Hinckley and Monson had. It felt odd to think of him as The Prophet.

Yesterday at the Saturday morning session of General Conference, deemed a solemn assembly, everyone was asked to stand when called upon and sustain our new prophet and his First Presidency. What a sacred experience to stand with my children and husband in the comfort of our own home and raise my hand to show no one but my family and my God that I will support and sustain His chosen Prophet. I was amazed at how profoundly it affected me.

But then, like, I'm sure everyone else was as well, I was utterly speechless the today as President Nelson made bold new changes to the administration of the church, urged us to work towards more continual personal revelation, and announced new temples (including one in Russia and one in India). The song "We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet" takes on whole new meaning as it is evident that the Lord is actively leading and guiding His Church and hastening His work on the earth.

I am so thankful for a prophet. What a wonderful thing it is to feel confident that there is still a watchman on the tower in this day and age.