Sunday, May 12, 2013

My First Real Mother's Day

My first real Mother's Day and how do I want to celebrate, by abdicating all motherly responsibilities for the morning before church started. I felt a little bad, but my own darling mother assured me that this is the dream of most mamas. Thankfully, Matthew had no morning meetings so he was free to get baby up, fed and dressed while I had time for such luxuries as curling my hair. Thank you to my sweet husband who manfully served his lazy (for today) wife!

And thank you to my own sweet mother who continues to provide the comfort, strength and nurturing that somehow only a mother can give. She is always there to assure me I'm not crazy, I can do it (no matter what "it" seems to be), I'm wonderful and special, and that not only does God love me, but she will always love me just the same as when I was a wee little girl. Apparently this mothering thing lasts a lifetime. Who knew? I love you my dearest mother.

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