Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day Cards

I have no problem with store bought valentine's cards but this year I thought we would try something new and make our own. The kids picked out this design, we had them printed and then I set about putting them together.

Four things I loved about valentine's day at the school this year.

 1. In addition to the list of kids in Doodah's class, his teacher included a list of the other staff in the school, including the janitors, cafeteria workers, gym teachers, and office staff. I am a little ashamed that I never would have thought of them on my own, but I loved the opportunity to expand my children's mind of who should get a little extra love.

2. A few weeks before Valentine's day, their school sent home a form allowing parents to send in love note postcards to their children to be delivered in class throughout the week. The kids got notes from each other, from their reading buddies (which side-note, I didn't even know they had reading buddies until they came home with notes from them), and from Matthew and me. This was especially fun since Matthew was travelling this week so this enabled Matthew to be part of the festivities even from far away.

3. I loved Chewkie's enthusiasm for her valentines. Her teacher sent home a list of kids but for a while it was lost somewhere in the black-hole of the house so she happily set about addressing them from memory. This meant that some kids were forgotten and had to be addressed when the list was found. It also meant that some people, like her teacher Mrs. Nielsen got three or four. I love that she remembered the vast majority of kids in her class but I really love all the personalization that went into each child's card. This little girl has so much love that pours from her and I am constantly in awe of this gift of hers to care for others.

4. Not pictured are the hearts Chewkie wanted to cut out, decorate and tape to the window, or the cupcakes the kids wanted to make occasion and distribute to their friends. I am often so lazy about holidays that I am thankful for children who push me outside my comfort zone to make life more fun.

Happy Valentine's Day Y'all!

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