Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Matthew's New Eyes

Last fall when Matthew lost his glasses in the ocean for a few frantic minutes, we started talking more seriously about pursuing LASIK surgery for him. And then a month or so later he went for his annual eye appointment and his optometrist said that since his prescription had stabilized he was a good candidate. But then it took several more months for Matthew to get comfortable with both ideas of having a laser in his eye and giving up his 30-year identity as a man with glasses. And then it took a few more months to remember to make an appointment.

When we went swimming on Saturday, Matthew agreed to let me make an appointment for him. Sunday evening I got a recommendation from a friend and then "researched" her doctor. And fancy that, they had an online system wherein I could make a consultation appointment for the very next afternoon.

Matthew was nervous that they wouldn't agree with his optometrist's assessment, but not only did he win the day's worst prescription, his eyes were perfectly suited for the procedure. And oh, they had an surgery slot open for the next morning. So within a few short days Matthew went from being ready to move forward with LASIK to getting new eyes.

He says that although it was one of the scariest and most awkward things he has ever done, he is so glad he went through with it.

 There they are. His glasses he donated to a some other vision-deficient person.

And now already, as I look at pictures of him wearing glasses, he looks foreign to me. I am so excited for his new future swimming, wearing sunglasses (and safety glasses), and seeing the clock in the middle of the night.

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