Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Swim Lessons

A few weeks ago Chewkie had a jazz class where parents were invited to watch the class. I was eager to go since now that they've moved buildings I don't get to see anything anymore.

I wasn't impressed. After stretching and doing jumping jacks for the first half of class, they spent the rest of the 30-minute class with their teacher only barely acknowledging their existences and engaging with them. As we left Chewkie and I decided that maybe she was done with dance classes for now.

Later, the kids decided to take swim lessons.

They had their first lesson tonight. Because of the swim camps this summer, they already knew what levels they would be in and had some familiarity with the format and instructors. Doodah was nervous that he wouldn't know any of the other kids in his class but it didn't matter anyway since he had two teachers all to himself for the first half of the one hour class. For the second half, it was him and one other girl with their two instructors. Chewkie had one on one instruction the whole time. They did so great. I loved being able to see progress from both of them. Let's hope that soon Matthew and I can make good on our promise to take them to Great Wolf Lodge after they learn how to swim.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

First Day of School - 2019

We had an immensely successful first day of school this morning. Boy Howdy who was not remotely excited last year, was up and dressed before I even had a chance to ask him this year (I think mostly because he wanted to put on his new lego shirt). He even made himself a 2nd grade sign to hold up for his picture, but I wouldn't let him hold it, as the writing is extremely faint and I wasn't cool enough to have my own signs for them to hold. So instead they held up their cute little fingers signifying that Boy Howdy is now a 2nd grader and Chewkie is in 1st.

I still managed to get choked up as I walked them into school; as I was both excited and anxious for the adventures they'll experience this year.

Today was also my first day back at Seminary teaching 22 seniors this year. I still felt awkward standing in front of this new group, but at least I wasn't as bad as I was last year.

When I got them off the bus that afternoon they were both smiles and excitement!

Here's hoping we all have memorable experiences this new school year.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Summer 2019 Recap

With summer drawing to a close I thought I should recap all the fun we had over the last few months. It's interesting that every summer manages to be different than I originally plan. This year I thought we would hike and pick fruit, go to parks, and the beach. We did got to the beach, but only once with friends. We did go to parks, but only a small handful of times. Not the 10 times I had anticipated. I picked fruit, but this year the kids just weren't interested in going more than once. So what did we do?

We had gloriously lazy days mixed with super fun days going to the Zoo, the Gilbert House, OMSI, the Enchanted Forest, Family Reunion in San Diego, and the Coast as a family. We did two weeks of swim camp, enjoyed play dates, and went grocery shopping. We went out to lunch, to the movies, and had PJ-all-day days.

I have loved our summer break. I have loved sleeping in and cuddling while watching shows in my bed until 9:30 or 10:00 am. I have loved having complete autonomy over our days and not having to get out of the door with lunches made and backpacks on by 8:30.

I wasn't sure I was ready for it all to end until last week when I just wanted to run errands by myself. All of a sudden, I was ready for all of it. Waking up at 5:30 for seminary, making lunches, preparing lessons, walking to the bus stop. Sometimes when I see posts about parents crying the day before school or birthdays I think maybe if I were a better mom I would do that too. . . . But that day has not arrived. Here's to schedules!

Monday, September 2, 2019

Last Camping Trip of the Summer

While we were cuddling this morning, Boy Howdy expressed the desire to go camping one more time before school started. With two days before school started, I wasn't interested in fulfilling his dream, but didn't squash it out of hand so I let him continue. He proceeded to request we put the little up in his room for him and his sister. Relieved, I happily acquiesced. "Yes, lovey boy, you and your sister can have one last sleepover in your room." 

Thankfully, the tent fit into his room without having to rearrange any furniture. The kids were so excited about sleeping in the tent together that I had to shush them at 10pm when I went to bed. In true sleepover fashion I told them they needed to quiet down and if I needed to come in again, there would be consequences. Oh how I love these two and their love for each other.

P.S. One Sunday a week or so ago, during our "Church at Home," we discussed how we are all important members of our family. I asked Boy Howdy if our family would be better without his sister. He instantly and emphatically said, "no," (to my thankful relief).