Sunday, December 1, 2019

Testimony and Scrambled Eggs

This morning, Doodah had a couple of firsts.

He wanted scrambled eggs which I was not willing to make him on Fast Sunday. He asked if he was old enough to make them on his own. I turned the stove on for him and supervised, but he did it all with very little help. I think he may have been more excited about making eggs by himself than learning how to ride a bike (something he is getting but I wouldn't say he is proficient yet).

At church a couple hours later, a girl in his primary class got up and bore her testimony. Doodah and Chewkie were shocked, that was something they could do?!?!? Doodah could hardly contain his enthusiasm for wanting to bear his own testimony. I asked him what he wanted to say, making sure it was appropriate, and then made sure he knew how to end in the name of Jesus Christ. Again, he was all excitement going up to the stand and waiting for his turn (all by himself). His testimony. He knows the scriptures are true even though he never witnessed the events. What a great day for my darling son.

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