Monday, January 20, 2020

New Bed Adventure

Matthew and I were ready for a new mattress so we decided to try out the Purple mattresses that have been all over social media. We were excited to finally get rid of the mattress I bought decades ago when I first graduated from college. The only problem was that Matthew was going to be out of town on business on the day of delivery/take away. Matthew got the old mattress ready for take away and I was in charge of supervising getting the new mattress installed. 

At the last minute the kids and I got an invitation to go the pool on their day off from school at the exact time the delivery personnel were supposed to be coming. I arranged for them to take the old mattress and leave the new one. I figured I should be fine getting it into the house and put on my bed all by myself.

The kids playing on the old, old, old mattress.

Our new mattress came rolled up outside our backdoor. It was MUCH heavier than I anticipated. Thankfully I had a 6-year old all ready to serve as my assistant. I had been warned that it would be heavy but I wasn't ready for it to be close to twice as heavy as my other ones. It took all my energy just to get it slid into the door let alone hefted onto my bed. I guess I could have waited for Matthew to get home a few days later to get it set up but I have too much of my mother in me to admit defeat.

The mattress was vacuum-sealed and after opening the plastic bag, it went from a couple of inches to a foot in a very satisfying matter of a second or two. Matthew is very sad he has to wait until he is home on Thursday to try it out.

The mattress came with a couple of sleep masks the children were all too excited to confiscate. When I went to check on them, Chewkie was adorably asleep with her mask and lambie #1. Doodah was adorably "pretending" to sleep.

Yay for new sleep adventures! May this new mattress live up to all of it's hype.

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