Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Chemistry Boys

Oh how I love these photos. In our church at home lesson on Sunday I explained to the kids how in order to do higher math they needed to first learn what numbers were, how to count, how to add and subtract and so on. Our teachers in school depend upon the line upon line methodology learning in school and our Heavenly Father also uses the same principle to help us spiritually.

Doodah was fascinated and somehow got fixated on Chemistry. What were the building blocks of chemistry, what do they do, what molecules do they make? Matthew more or less has a minor in chemistry and utilized our white board to give him a couple of examples. Doodah absolutely ate up everything his father said. He had a notebook wanting to write down EVERY word.

A couple of days later Matthew and I went to the library to find some 7-year old appropriate books on Chemistry. Doodah decided memorize all the elements in the periodic table by writing them up in his notepad. One night after bedtime, Chewkie came in to Matthew and I to inform us that her brother was crying (sobbing really). We went in to see what was wrong and there beside his bed was a stack of crumpled up pieces of paper. He had tried writing them up but couldn't get the names written down correctly and it was frustrating his poor tired mind. You try to keep Yttrium in your head long enough to spell it correctly (in pen). We tried to calm him down promising that we (Matthew) would help him the next day and make actual notecards.

The next day, true to his word, Matthew pulled out our stack of notecards and began helping his son write them up and understand what everything means. Oh how I love this little boy and his curious mind. And oh how I love that wonderful father who is able to both fan and enable the love of learning in his son.

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