Saturday, March 4, 2023


Be prepared for picture overload. At the strong suggestion of several people, we put Xplor on the itinerary. I am so glad we did. Definitely worth while. I loved not needing anything we owned all day long. I loved eating an early lunch and an early dinner so we wouldn't have to worry about figuring out what to eat after we got back to the hotel. I loved that there were virtually no lines and that we had just enough time to do everything there was to see before the park closed. I loved that we stayed together for the whole day, even when I banged up my knee and needed a bandaid. My sisters were sweet enough to follow me to the first aid station and wait while I got put back together. I loved seeing things and doing things you don't find in the states. I loved just about everything there was, maybe the ATVs. I didn't love the ATVs but I did love giggling with Nichole.

Megan really wanted the photo package, and Nichole didn't take a ton of convincing, so we made sure we got our monies worth.

We did the ziplines. First injury of the day when I learned that you can touch the building under you. My feet were very sore for a while after that.

We did the rafting trip. I definitely used my arm muscles on this one. Also, navigating a 6 foot raft through narrow areas was difficult.

Us on the underground river swim. I don't know why I cared, but it was surprisingly difficult to finagle a picture all my onesies. Also, we saw bats. Melissa was very scared. I thought it was cool. Plus, the water was cold. I think it helped my banged up feet. But then I injured my knee on a rock. It's a good thing I basically iced in that cold water for half an hour.

Us and our ATVs. It was fun trying to catch different expressions in each of the cameras.

Us in the underground exploration which was quite possibly the most random attraction and my favorite. We walked through water, we walked through a cave, we went down a slide, climbed around rocks and through "downed" logs. It was the oddness and the variety that really spoke to this girl's heart. I loved it.

And in between eating and doing all the things, we took pictures at all the other stops along the way. So many pictures. But such a fun day. Definitely worth our time and money.

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