Friday, April 7, 2023

Luca's Good Things

 The other night as I was tucking my darling daughter into bed, I noticed a piece of paper stuck to her wall right next to her head. When I asked her about it she said, "oh that's my good things. When I'm having a hard time, I look at it to remind myself of what is good in my life. I love that she came up with that beautiful coping mechanism on her own, implemented it on her own, and benefitted from it on her own. She has been struggling a lot lately with friend drama at school. I have made a conscious effort to step back and let her work through her issues with God's help instead of mine, and really just be a sounding board more than anything else. So it made my mama heart so proud to see that God had sent her heart there - to gratitude - to grounding in positivity rather than in internalizing the hard.

I left her room so inspired by this sweet daughter of mine and her resiliency.

P.S. In case you can't see, she is grateful for her room, literacy, her family, candy and fun food, her stuffies, sushi and tacos, school, llamas and cats, indoor plumbing, friends, and cousins. Such a great list!!

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