Sunday, February 18, 2024

Dude Finishes the Book of Mormon

For the last year I have been listening to the Book of Mormon, 1 chapter a day. So in this blog post I will say what I got from it and what my favorite parts are. Starting at the easiest question I am going to say what I got from reading the Book of mormon. What I got from it is that God is always willing to accept all who come to him, take the lamanites for example. They were so bad at the beginning but then they repented and they were forgiven and blessed. like a shepherd with his sheep. No matter how long they were missing and how dirty they are when they come back he is always willing to welcome them back into the fold. Now I will say what my favorite story is. My favorite story is the ship on the water in the first nephi. I like how when they were bad the ship was lost and suffering from storms, but when they repented they were on their way fine. This story is like our everyday life. When we are bad, God leaves us and we are lost, but when we repent we are back on track and just fine. so this is what my favorite parts and what I got from the Book of Mormon. THE END 

this is by Dude

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