Monday, January 20, 2014

Impromptu Photo Shoots are the Best

You may have noticed my child is not camera shy. He LOVES having his picture taken. Every time he even sees my camera he wants to have an impromptu photo shoot. Case in point:


Can you see the evolution of our shoot? I love it. I toyed with the idea of just adding select pictures but opted for most of them. I just couldn't resist. My favorites though are when you can see his enthusiasm waning -  the way it does for all year and a half year olds no matter how much they love the camera - and the picture at the end when Cheeks is sucking on his shirt.
What can I say - I am a mom. I love being a mom, especially if all I need to accomplish for the day is to indulge my son in some camera love.

1 comment:

Michael Asay said...

Informal settings make for the best, most memorable photos, in my opinion.