Sunday, September 23, 2018

Cheeks' Birthday Interview

Hi, what's your name? Cheeks
Do you know what we're doing this interview for? Because it was my birthday.
When? August
What day is it today? Sunday!
Sunday September 23rd. So we have to make up your birthday interview a month later. Is that ok? Yep.
How old are you? 5.
What is your favorite thing to do? Play outside.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A mermaid. Now we've talked about this. She wants to be a horticulturist. You can ask her. But, I read her some of her answers from last year to try to coax her into doing an interview this year, and I think she got some silly ideas into her head. Sigh.
What is your favorite food? Tomato soup. 
Who do you like to spend time with? Aunt KK. She had just been to visit and Cheeks was DEVASTATED when she left.
Anyone else when she's not around? Because she's not around very often. Olivia.
What do you do really well? Be happy. 
What makes you laugh? When I take pictures of butts. Hehehehe. I'm pretty sure this also came from me reading her answers from the previous year.
What is the best time of the day? School!
What are you afraid of? Monsters and aliens.
Who is your best friend? Olivia and Ginny. I just have to do both.
What do you like to do with your family? Play games with them. Sleeping Queens, Monopoly, other games.
Pause for a bathroom break.
What do you love to learn about? Naked tigers. They're so much fun. My class laughed and laughed. Letters. Hehehehe. They're so funny. 
Where do you like to go? The zoo. And I really want to go to the zoo.
What is your favorite book? Mr Tiger goes Wild. I guess it's a book that she read at school and really liked.
What is your favorite show? The elf one - Mia and Me.
What is your favorite movie? Lego Ninjago. So much fun. I cringe and beam with pride at the same time. Because she likes the princess movies just fine, but she is ALWAYS up for Lego Ninjago. 
If you had one wish what would it be? Eating candy. 
What is your favorite thing about turning 5? Because you can be older and you can have more fun!!
Is there anything else you'd like to add to your interview? Well you can ask me what thing is the best.
Ok, what thing is the best? Well going and finding eggs.
Like going and finding Easter eggs? Yeah.
Because they have candy in them? Yeah. Sometimes.

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