Friday, November 16, 2018

Notes From the Babes

I am so glad each stage of development brings with it something completely awesome. Right now the babes are both into writing me notes. Often with decent grammar but awful spelling. And honestly, the worse the spelling the better the note (so long as I am still able to decipher it). Here are a few recent ones from either child.

The first two are from Boy Howdy. I was upstairs while the kids were playing before bedtime. When I came down to go to bed I had this little package waiting for me in front of my door complete with helpful instructions. In the little tape-wrapped ball was one of Boy Howdy's dinosaur figures. While I wasn't super hip on the dino, I did LOVE his presentation.
As far as the note on the right goes, I'm not sure what it relates to, but I love it all the same. "I have escaped" as phonetically rendered by an endearing 6-year old.

The second set of pictures is double sided, so really it's just one note, though she did write another note for me to give to a particularly kind student. This one, in case you need help is, "Mom you are a good teacher to your students." The picture, of course is of me teaching my seminary class. What a sweetheart. My daughter thinks I'm a good teacher, even if my seminary class may not agree.

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