Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year's Eve Party 2018

This New Year's Eve my sister Melissa spent the day driving with her daughter half of the way to BYUI. With her out of town, I invited the rest of her family over for NYE thinking that they wouldn't have anything planned on their own. What ended up being beneficial for my brother-in-law John and his boys ended up being beneficial for us as well. I promised Boy Howdy that he could stay up until 10 which meant A LOT of time to fill with fun (of which he expected a lot). I came up with a few games, which the Jones boys found a way to improve upon to the joy and satisfaction of all. There was some crying but mostly fun and while it was fairly low-key it still ended up being way more fun than either family would have had on their own. We even had headbands! Thankfully Sydney, Australia was already done with their countdown extravaganza so we got to celebrate with their fireworks and excitement and still have everyone to bed before midnight.

The silly part was Chewkie's great disappointment that she didn't get to stay up after bedtime with her brother because it was so late. I mean, big tears that she had to go straight to bed. At 10:30pm, I am going to chalk that up to being super tired from all the fun.

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