Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Love Note

I was in my room doing something surely productive with the hour between the kids' bedtime and my own when through the crack of my door this sweet note from my son was slipped. And just to make sure I got it, there was another note on the floor of the hallway leading to his room that said "get your note".

Oh this sweet boy of mine. He must have known I needed some extra love and joy. Matthew's been travelling a lot for work and I haven't always been the nicest solo parent, although this week I thought I had actually done pretty well at remaining calm and loving. I'm pretty positive I have said similar things to my children so hearing it come back is kind of funny - especially since I'm not sure if this note is an indication of my "graetness" as a mom or the depth of my son's love in spite of my obvious shortcomings. Either way I will happily accept any evidence of my sweet Doodah's love.

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