Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Seminary 2018-2019

I LOVED having my babies at home with me, but I have been excited for both of them to be in school and have the house to myself. I was excited to pick up some hours and get some extra spending money and help us towards our financial goals. But then I got asked to be a seminary (early-morning scripture study class) teacher to 18 seniors. At first I was so nervous. It felt like such a daunting task to be these student's last seminary experience before fending for themselves, but I could not have asked for a better class. Even when, with senioritis and heavy school workloads hit and attendance dropped, I still loved every day I had with them.

At one point early in the year I was trying to figure out how to balance working and seminary and keeping my house together. When I prayed about it, my answer was simple, "Don't try. Just focus on seminary and let me take care of the rest." So I did, I told the firm I contract for that I no longer had the time I thought I did, to which they responded that it was probably for the best since the projects they had for me fell through.

A few months later when I prayed to know what goals to set for the new year, I was dismayed that I didn't feel strongly to focus on anything in particular. Again, the answer was, "I've given you seminary, just worry about that." And so, while some may be able to balance many things (and last time I taught seminary I did), that wasn't in the plan for me this year. Honestly, I am grateful. I know I would have burned out months ago if I were trying to do more.

So I taught and loved and supported my students (adopted children) as best as I knew how. This morning I fed them breakfast, and we reminisced about their 4-years of seminary. It was THE perfect way to end a magical gift I was given last summer. Thank you my darling kids.

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