Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Last Day of School 2019

We've only done school for two years, but even so, I was so ready to be done with the routine about two weeks ago. It got really bad a week ago when the kids started taking an entire hour just to eat breakfast and get dressed and even that took intense prodding. So for the last week of school, the kids had hot lunch at school because we no longer had the mental capacity to add making lunch to our morning.

I'm pretty sure I would have just let the kids stay home the last few days of school if not for the promise of field day. Oh field day, a morning filled with all things fun outside. Last year the last day of school was surprisingly cold, but this year was the exact opposite - 96 degrees.

One of the field-day activities was coloring all over the play ground. Doodah was all over it making his coolest robot guy ever. 

 Another field day activity was snow cones. Here's Chewkie with two of her sweet Kindergarten friends.

Ms. Nielsen and Ms. Miller, two angel teachers who loved my children, fostered supportive classroom cultures, and helped my babes work at their own pace, even when it added to their already over-extended workload.

And because I always forget to take a last day of school picture before school, I was pretty proud of myself that at least I remembered to take one after they got off the bus. Hallelujah to have 12 weeks of lazy days, even if it means I don't get to go grocery shopping by myself or have lunch dates with Matthew.

This is what we have planned for the summer. The kids loved the coupon idea so much from their mother's day cards that I decided to make coupons for the summer. Most of the ideas came from them, and many of them like "go to the park" have lots of repeats. But hopefully we will manage to have fun this summer while not stressing me out with filling every moment of every day.

Hooray Summer!!!!!

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