Friday, July 12, 2019

Family Reunion 2019 - San Diego: Beach Day

We stayed a few nights of our family reunion on the Naval Base just outside of San Diego on one half of Coronado Island. It's a very ritzy area that we had access to for way less than those staying on the public half. We also had a semi-private beach with sand that was oddly sparkly (as if a glitter barge dumped its payload somewhere off shore). The kids played so happily with their cousins in and out of the water while the adults took turns watching children and hanging out chatting under the tent.

And then of course all the kids wanted their turn to be buried up to their heads. I remember doing this as a kid, so I happily helped bury set after set of children. Here's Chewkie and her sweet cousin P. These two were basically inseparable the entire weekend.

After a LOVELY two days in San Diego with warm sunshine and cool breezes, we made our way to the mountainous camp Ramona with its 100 degree weather.

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