Thursday, July 11, 2019

Family Reunion 2019 - San Diego: Road Trip and Sea World

This year for family reunion Paul and I were in charge, and just like the last time we were in charge, we did it a year late. This time it wasn't our schedules that were the problem but wanting our parents to be there. To switch things up a bit and to give Paul the best chance possible of making it to family reunion, we opted to stage it in his neck of the woods. We all descended on San Diego and spent one day at Sea World, one day at the beach, and the weekend at a camp owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We had so much fun.

Matthew had to be down in Long Beach for work and had to get back quickly for other work commitments so the kids and I either drove by ourselves or convinced a nephew to keep us company. The kids mostly did fine on the way down (it was basically their first real road trip). We had fun books to listen to and new movies to watch. The first day we drove to Sacramento and the next day we made it to San Diego. After being in LA traffic and then rush-hour San Diego traffic the kids wanted nothing more to do with the car. So I left them with aunts and uncles to play at the beach while I went to get take-out dinner.

It was dusk and I'm pretty sure no one had their swimsuits on but they had fun in the ocean with cousins until it got dark and they realized they didn't have warm clothes or towels. Thankfully our hotel was close by.

The next day, Thursday, was Sea World day. Matthew was still in meetings and had no real desire to come, so we met him later that evening.

Sea World was fun, the shows being by far the best part. Poor Doodah couldn't seem to find a ride he wanted to do for which he was also tall enough. Bitter tears were shed. So he and I ditched Chewkie with Grandma while he and I had our own little adventure for a bit.

After that ride he was all smiles again and we rejoined everyone else for lunch, whale shows, dolphin shows, shark petting and just about every other fun thing Sea World had to offer.

Most people stayed for the evening light show but my mother was tired, Matthew was waiting and I was happy to have an excuse to leave. Sea World was lovely, but I was done with the crowds and I just really wanted to see my husband.

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