Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Courtside Girls' Trip - Maui 2019

My college roommates wanted to do something fun the year most of us turned 40. 40!! Wahoo!! We were going to go to Texas, but then one roommate offered up a house she has access to for our trip on Maui. What a wonderful celebration. I think we got our picture taken at every conceivable location. We lounged on the beach, we snorkeled, we nature walked (some of us in our Sunday clothes), we rappelled, and we shopped. It was a lovely weekend with some of the best women I know.

Our Sunday stroll.

I was not as graceful as I hoped I'd be.

But by the end, I was a pro! 

Look at us jump!

Us at the beach watching the surfers and the sea turtles.

It was an interesting weekend for me. I'm almost 40-years old. I've grown and changed so much in the last 20+ years I've known them. And yet, when I'm with them, I somehow revert back to the insecure and neurotic young adult I was in college. It's a little unnerving. I find myself struggling to feel accepted and prove myself their equals. I'm not quite sure why it happens but when I stop trying to compare, or doubt, or search for evidences of their indifference, I am more able to share the acceptance and love I so desperately want to feel. And then oddly enough I start to feel better myself.

It's amazing how that happens. I do love these women. We are still constantly amazed that we still like each other after all these years and that, while we are all so different, there is still so much that holds us together. We have been through college, through marriage, and having babies and now we are transitioning to caring for aging parents (not mine of course).

Here's to another 20 years travelling and loving this unique group of excellent women.

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