Saturday, November 9, 2019

I Turn 40

It's amazing how much more fun turning 40 was as opposed to 30. 30 was drenched in anxiousness in not being 20 and not feeling like I was anywhere close to where I wanted to be. Turning 40, with my life in a great place was a cinch. Especially since being 30 was way funner than I thought it be and I've heard good things about my 40s. To hail the new decade I went to Maui with my college girlfriends and I made Matthew take me to Portland for a special night away.

My parents took the kids and Matthew took yesterday off. After sharing my smores cheesecake with my seminary students and a much needed nap, we went to the temple, walked around the mall, went to a super random game store in a office park in Beaverton, had a yummy dinner, before heading to a super disappointing night with one of my favorite satirists. We left early it was that unfortunate. This morning we had brunch with my darling sister before checking out of our hotel and heading home.

The weekend, while not what I expected was lovely and I am so excited to enter this new adventure that life holds. Yay 40!!

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