Saturday, May 23, 2020

Seminary Class of 2020

Tonight we had our last seminary zoom meeting. They opened the gifts I made for them (see above picture) and discussed what seminary has done for them over the last four years. It is always amazing to hear from them and feel a renewed testimony of why seminary is such an inspired program of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I love that they get a chance to testify on a daily basis to each other how applying the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ helps them. I love that they had opportunities to examine their own testimonies and gain new insights through scripture study and class discussions.

I loved my class last year and, like any first time parent pregnant with their second I wasn't sure I could love another class. But just like that parent holding their second baby, somehow their heart finds a way. They challenged me and made me a better teacher and person in ways I never knew I always needed. They found a way into my heart and I completely fell in love with each of them on an individual basis. It was an honor to teach them this past year and I wish them all the best in their future endeavors. Hopefully they will continue to share their life's moments with me.

P.S. This year we had a lesson in which I had the students engrave (with wood-burning pens) something that reminds them of the Lord's love for them. We then likened it to how we are engraven upon Christ's hands. It was a fun lesson and I think it ended up being meaningful for everyone. One of my students really fell in love with wood burning and decided to create a collage of everything that meant the most to their class over the last four years. At the end everyone signed it. What a perfect way to capture everything they have been through together.

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