Friday, May 29, 2020

Doodah Turns 8

As a family and extended family, we managed to pull off Doodah's arguably best birthday ever. My sweet 8-year old was showered with love, attention, and fun from the beginning of his day to the end. 

He came out of his room at 7 after a VERY restless night (he claims he woke up in the middle of the night for a couple of hours and read to himself before going back to sleep) eager to start his day. He played hide and seek for his presents, had fun putting together his lego technic set (with his parent's help), and then playing with it afterwards (it's remote controlled). He got to watch a movie and have a yummy breakfast which included all his favorites (orange juice, scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns, and doughnuts). 

We went over to my parents at 2 to fill water balloons for the party which included my sister Melissa's family, my brother Jared's family, and two neighbor kids. We had a water balloon fight, a pinata, two games Doodah and Chewkie devised, sandwiches and a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake, more playing outside and another movie. By the time we went home we had been at my parent's house for 6 hours. 

In his night time prayer, Doodah told Heavenly Father that his day was perfect. For a boy with high expectations, I took it as a major parenting win. He finished his day talking to Grandma Marler and then built another lego set by himself. We were going to go to Disneyland for birthdays this year but given the current state of our country that didn't seem like the best option. I'm grateful we were able to pull something off that made this sweet boy feel loved.

Chewkie always knows just what to get her brother that is going to make him happy. This year she got him a zombie pigman minecraft stuffie. Doodah gave her the sweetest hug in gratitude. I am still in love with the special relationship these two share.

First things first for the party was the water balloon fight. There were a few tears shed but mostly they really enjoyed getting thoroughly wet and throwing stuff at each other without getting in trouble.

To keep everyone outside to dry we next did our pinata. A few more tears until it was ordained that once someone's ziploc baggie was filled they couldn't collect more candy; thus evenly dispersing it among the crowd.
Chewkie worked really hard and made a game where parts of a robot were hid in pink envelopes around my parent's backyard. After they were all found you had to work together to put the robot together. Pretty cool game for a 6-year old. (P.S. This girl is hoping her brother works just as hard to make her birthday special.)

Then it was inside for the game Doodah made up (pin the button on the robot). I love that robot. I especially love that he made it up all by himself, even if he didn't win.

Finally it was time for dinner and cake. We've NEVER done something so fancy as that ice cream cake. Do you know how much they cost? But for this boy and everything he's had to give up these past few months, it was worth every penny.

I love this sweet boy of mine. I love that his mind is constantly working up new games, new solutions to problems he sees, new creations, and new money making opportunities. I will never not be in love with how this boy's mind works. Matthew loves how quick he is to pick up new concepts and skills. He also loves his creativity and his love for games (especially since he is starting to be old enough for the games Matthew enjoys).

I've been thinking lately about how much he has changed from that little baby we cooed over all those years ago. We never would have imagined this amazing little boy who keeps us on our toes. I am excited to see how he matures and changes over the next 8 years. Will he stay silly, creative, crazy smart, and intuitive? I just hope I can keep up with him. We love you sweet Doodah of ours.

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