Saturday, October 23, 2021

New Calling

I have a short attention span. It's probably why moving around as much as I did for the first 30+ years of my life didn't bother me. I remember being in Macungie and having a calling for two years and not being released; I thought the bishop had forgotten about me. I found out that serving for at least two years was normal and even expected. Until that point I had never lived anywhere in my adult life even two years - weren't callings for only a year?

I have taught seminary for three years here in Salem; by far the longest I've ever had a calling. Back in February I started having feelings that this was my last year. I'm pretty sure it was Heavenly Father's way of helping me focus on my sweet students instead of the impending burnout. It was a very special last semester and I am grateful for my students and experience with seminary this last year. I was stretched and made to grow in even more ways I never knew I always needed. 

About 7 months ago we found out that our divorced Relief Society President was getting remarried and moving to Colorado with her family. I was absolutely certain I would be called to replace her. Like, waking up in the middle of the night with counselors and thoughts on how I would lead the women in our ward. I even got asked to meet with the Bishop to discuss the possibility of that calling. And then a couple weeks later someone else got called and I'm not sure I was disappointed so much as confused.

A few weeks after the new President got called, I was released from seminary and almost immediately called as our new Young Women President. I haven't served in this organization for 10 years and have only served in Young Women for maybe a year total of my adult life. I have also not served as President of anything since high school. I was so nervous and so excited all at the same time.

The first class presidency meeting I attended, the young women were talking about their upcoming camping trip. At first I sat there thinking, oh how fun for you guys. But then I remembered my role and thought, it's not you guys are going camping, it's WE are going camping. It's definitely been an adjustment, but a fun one. I am constantly impressed by these young women in my care. I admire them as I watch them care for each other and lead their classes in righteousness and love.

Years ago I served as a temple worker in the Boston temple. I remember feeling struck by the pure Christlike love I was blessed with as I served the patrons. I have often gone back to those feelings as such a special gift I was given. But having served in other callings since then, I now realize I have been blessed with that same love for all of those in my stewardship, especially the children and youth.

I am grateful for this new calling. Grateful for a new adventure. Grateful to have such wonderful women with whom I serve. Grateful to witness the amazing future of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in these incredible Young Women.

Here's some pictures of our activities.

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