Saturday, October 30, 2021

Halloween Costumes 2021

 This year, like every year the kids start planning their Halloween costume early, like as soon as school started. Dude saved up his money to buy a reaper costume and Luca turned a large box into a vending machine. Despite requests to help her improve the machine, she was perfectly satisfied with it as is and I am always going to be in love with child-created costumes. She told anyone and everyone that she is going to be a vending machine for Halloween and that she made her costume all by herself.

But then we had to drive to the church for the trunk or treat and she became nervous about all of the logistics of it and decided to revert back to her hot dog costume from last year.

I have to say, there were a shocking number of hot dogs parading around the church parking lot tonight.

Poor Dude felt ill earlier during the day, a headache he let go on too long, and wasn't sure that he was feeling up to going. He was so sad to give up this event that he has been looking forward to since it was announced earlier this month. He finally let me administer some medicine to him and rested while Luca and I left with instructions for his sister to Trunk or Treat in his behalf. Thankfully he felt better once the meds kicked in and he and Matthew made it to the church before it was all over. Luca is certain that he got more candy than he should have, but I'm just happy Halloween wasn't completely ruined for this boy, especially after 2020. Happy Halloween.

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