Saturday, January 22, 2022

I get sick

I went to the temple last week to support a darling former seminary student of mine going through to receive her endowment. It was such a beautiful experience for which I have zero regrets. Five days later I tested positive for Coronavirus.

Thankfully I had been exposed earlier causing me to already distance myself from others (especially my parents) so I can safely be assured I didn't pass it on to anyone else. Even my darling family with whom I spent the entirety of the weekend. Monday morning as it became apparent that I was most likely positive, I sent the kids away (who had come in to snuggle) and isolated myself in my bedroom. That first day, Monday was kind of nice. It was like being in a hotel all by myself. I liked having an excuse to have nothing to do but lay in bed and watch shows all day. Mostly I just felt achy and exhausted with a few hours of feverishness thrown in for good measure. Day 2 I started really missing hugging and kissing my family. Luca slipped this card under my door and I cried.

There is so much love and attention in this sweet card from my lovey girl and I missed being a part of our family something fierce. That night Matthew called me so I could join in our nightly family devotional. I cried through my turn to read and most of the way through the prayer.

The rest of the week was a bit better because I had some work to do as well and people to talk to on the phone. It didn't feel quite so lonely. Even still, by Saturday I was ready to BUST OUT of my isolation. Matthew was also ready to not be a single parent. We opted to have a family fun day of just going and spending money. I think it was a hard week for everyone.

My nephew tested positive for Covid but by the time they figured out what was wrong my sister-in-law also tested positive and they figured there wasn't any reason to isolate. I'm pretty sure if Matthew were to do it again, he wouldn't choose isolation again. It was a hard week, let me just say that again for the record.

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